Early Childhood Issues: Group Project and Debate 2 Parts/20 points Total
As a group, choose a current controversial issue in the field of Early Childhood Education. You will need to research and explore in depth both sides of the issue. Your group will split into two opposing sides (Pro Team and Con Team) for the debate. Each side will present a solid argument in defense of their position. Be prepared to respond to the opposing side and to field questions from the class. A web site to explore some issues is ProCon.org Some examples of issues to explore are:
Security Armed Guards in School: Should we or Shouldn't We
Homeschooling Vs. Public/Private Education
*Other topics are welcome and must be approved.
Assignment #4: Part A: Written Outline for Group Debate Project: Due 12/1/2021 - 2-3 pages - 10 points item options
After selecting a topic and positions, each individual group member (pro/con) will write an outline. Each team ( Pro and Con) will create an introduction and conclusion together for the affirmative and the negative positions. Each individual team member must independently research the topic and work together to write a minimum of three arguments, using the format below. You may add more than three details/evidence for each reason. For each detail, be sure to provide supporting arguments using research from outside sources.
Assignment #4: Part B: Debate Presentation: Due either 12/1 or 12/15/2021 - 10 points
Assignment #4: Part B: Debate Presentation: Due either 12/1 or 12/15/2021 - 10 points item options
Debate Presentation: Your group, divided into two teams, will present the side of the issue that they wrote about in the written report. Each member of the group will have a role in the debate. You may use notes during the presentation, but reading word for word from your paper is not acceptable. This is an opportunity to draw forth and communicate ideas from an internalized knowledge base. You will be graded on your presentation skills, your attention to the facts in your presentation, and your abilty to protect your side of the issue. Strategies to Make Your Debate Practice Work: Focus on the evidence and avoid making emotional appeals. Debaters should always be respectful of others, particularly their opponents. Other guidelines include not talking out of turn, not interrupting an opponent and not falsifying or distorting evidence.