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Prof. Reichman ENG 101 Fall 2022: Home


This Guide will help you with your Research Assignment on a Social Justice Topic.  Use the tabs above to find information from a variety of sources.  If you have any questions you can contact your librarian via email (contact information is on the right hand side of this page). 

Topic Exploration Assignment

Topic Exploration Assignment Checklist & Outline

Write at least one full page about the article you selected. Review the article answering the questions below. Typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced. Submit on Blackboard in Assignments folder.

  • State the name, author, and publication of the article
  • What is the topic?
  • What did you know about the topic before reading this article?
  • What is the main idea of the article?
  • Use MLA citation format, and a TSIS templates to introduce a key quote and then explain the quote.
  • What did you learn/discover that you did not know before?
  • How did this article change your thinking on the topic?


Topic Exploration Assignment Outline

Paragraph One

  • What is the topic? 
  • What did you know about the topic before reading this article?


Paragraph Two

  • State the name, author, and publication of the article
  • What is the main idea of the article?
  • Use MLA citation format, and a TSIS templates to introduce a key quote and then explain the quote. 


Paragraph Three

  • What did you learn/discover that you did not know before?
  • How did this article change your thinking on the topic? 


To help narrow a topic, and to develop your writing on the article, ask yourself the 6 questions:

Who:   Who is involved? Who is impacted?

What:  What is the problem/issue/question

Where: Where does this topic affect people (US, worldwide, locally)

When: When is this relevant? In our times, times past, or in the future?

Why:   Why was is this important?

How:   How do we know about it (experience, statistics, reports)


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Josh Weber

Office: Room 115 in the Library

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