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Prof. Allen; Eng. 101 FALL 2023: Annotated Bibliography

Process of Creating an Annotated Bibliography

Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research.

List each of your sources in MLA works cited format. Below every source, write 1-2 paragraphs in which you:

  • Summarize the basic claim of the source.
  • Respond to the source (agree, disagree, raise questions, etc.).
  • Plan. Explain how you will use this source in your research paper.
  • Synthesize. Explain the way this work fits in - or challenges - other information you have about the topic.

You need enough sources to address your research question from a variety of perspectives.

  • One source must be a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Once source must oppose/complicate or disagree with your position.
  • At least half of your sources must be from a different author or publication.

Any source without an author(s) or blog site where the author's expertise cannot be established is not acceptable.

This graphic was borrowed from a LibGuide created by Collette Mak and updated and maintained by Leslie L. Morgan, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame.

Annotated Bibliography Example - WCC Library

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