AND Position Papers: explain the Association's stance on issues that affect the nutritional status of the public. Positions, which consist of a position statement and a support paper, are based on sound scientific data.
Class is held in Drimmer Library Rm. 220 – Librarian will demonstrate how to use library resources; how not to plagiarize, MLA format for bibliography. Student is to find one (1) AND (or ADA before 2013) position paper; articles that are not formal position papers of the AND are not acceptable substitutes. Report is to be no longer than 2 pages.
Read the paper and write a report to include the following information. It will be graded using the percentages below.
1. Report should include this information: (50%)
2. Format to include: (30%)
3. Correct citation (identify author, article, and source.) (10%)
4. Indicate source of facts included. Use statements such as “according to the article”, “the authors state”, “the article states”, “it is noted in the article” etc. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! NOTE: Plagiarize - To take (ideas, writings, etc.) from (another) and pass them off as one's own. (Webster). For additional information, go to Plagiarism Resources on the college library website. (10%)