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Prof. Mallory Eng 101 SPRING 2024; Writing and Research: Home

Textile Labor

Hine, Lewis Wickes. “[Addie Card], Anaemic Little Spinner in North Pownal Cotton Mill.” 1910. National Child Labor Committee collection, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division,

Hine, Lewis W. “[Addie Card], Anaemic Little Spinner in North Pownal Cotton Mill.” 1910. National Child Labor Committee Collection, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, 2 June 2023,

What's in This Guide

The resources on these pages will help you:

  • Find background information on your topic
  • Develop a search strategy to find information on your topic using the library databases and the web
  • Evaluate sources
  • Cite your sources 
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Get additional help


Welcome! This research guide was created for students in Prof. Mallory's English 101 class. This guide is a customized resource for this assignment.

 You are required to write a research assignment in the form of a critical essay. This assignment requires an integration of secondary sources to support your discussion on the topic "Under what circumstances and conditions should children work?"

You are required to research the history of child labor in the United States, including the development of child labor laws. Research articles from the web and library databases about child labor to help support your answer.

Sources must be cited and documented using MLA (9th ed.) format. 

If you have any questions about research or citations, please feel free to contact me via email.


For real-time assistance, use the live IM Chat box from the library homepage.

What Are Secondary Sources?

Secondary Sources can use information from primary sources but normally interpret or analyze the data or information of the study, event or creative work.

Secondary Sources can include:

  • Scholarly or other articles about a topic but written by someone not directly involved
  • Analysis or interpretation of data or event
  • Documentaries
  • Most books about a topic or event


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